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Wash your Hands while traveling at all times!

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Taking care of yourself is always a good idea.  It’s particularly paramount in times like these when a pathogen like the coronavirus is still not completely understood. However, there are things within your control that will keep you well while on vacation.  For example, trips to some Asian countries, the Middle East, and Western Europe can be postponed for the time being.  In the meantime, you can boost your immune system in preparation for your next trip. For those with medical conditions and the elderly, extra precautions are warranted.

We know you are seasoned travelers, but here are 10 suggestions from the GayTravel Cruise Guru whose been on over 200 cruises and offers you these tips to boost your immune system:

1. Wash hands often and practice good hygiene protocols like avoid touching your face and mouth.

2. Swish warm, salty water in your throat and nasal cavities everyday.

3. Sleep soundly, and when you are tired, listen to your body’s need for rest.  Napping is not just for kids!

4. Drink in life and water too!  When in pristine places like the Azores, by all means, drink from the local fountains.  In places where water quality is suspect, it's best to choose bottled water versus tap.

5. Feed your immune system with nutrients. Don’t underestimate the power of good nutrition such as seeds and nuts for vitamin E, oranges, kiwi or red bell peppers for vitamin C, green tea, ginger, garlic, blueberries, dark chocolate…there are so many healthy options so please choose foods wisely whenever possible.

6. Nourish your soul by doing things you love like singing, playing music, connecting with nature, or anything that makes you happiest!

7. Moderate intake of alcohol.

8. Breathe fresh air deeply and no smoking, please!

9. Exercise regularly – walk, ride a bike, swim, stretch, or do whatever physical activity is best for you.

10. De-Stress by taking plenty of time to stop and smell the roses.  In Costa Rica we have plenty of flowers

If you require a quote please write to call us today! whatsapp +506 8829-7237

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